importance of learning a second language

The Importance of Learning a Second Language

Learning a second language is super important for kids. I grew up in a small country where lots of people know English. I think it’s because we admire American culture and tourism is a big part of our economy. Almost every school offers English classes, and there are tons of after-school programs too.

My Journey in Learning a Second Language

When I was a kid, my parents were amazing. They knew Spanish, French, and English, and they spoke different languages around me all the time. It was cool because I knew I could go anywhere in the world with them and talk to anyone.

Honestly, I wasn’t that interested in learning another language. I’d rather play sports or swim than spend hours learning English every week. But my mom was stubborn and insisted that I learn, and I’m so grateful she did!


The Benefits of Learning a Second Language

Why is learning a second language so important? Well, after high school, I found a part-time job quickly because I could speak English. It made me realize how useful it is. Then, I went to Spain for my Master’s Degree and ended up moving to the United States. Knowing English helped me find a job teaching, which I love!

My husband and I are both from the same country, and we decided to raise our kids to be bilingual and able to read and write in two languages. Now, with three kids, we’re so happy we made that choice. We want them to understand why learning a second language is important.


The Significance of a Second Language from My Perspective


Here are a few reasons why I think it’s so crucial:

Making Friends from Different Cultures

Speaking more than one language helps you connect with people from different countries. I’ve seen my parents make great friends because they could speak other languages. We want our kids to experience that too, and learn about different traditions and cultures.

Respect and Acceptance

Knowing other languages and cultures teaches you to respect and accept others. We want our kids to grow up to be kind and open-minded, loving everyone no matter how different they are.

More Opportunities

Learning another language opens up so many doors in life. We want our kids to have every chance to succeed.

Boosting Brain Power

Researchers say being bilingual is like giving your brain a good workout. It helps you think better and be smarter. My son’s teacher told me how impressed she was when he read a book in English and then translated it into Spanish for his classmates. He’s only eight years old! Learning another language is pretty amazing.

Overall, we want to give our kids the skills, confidence, and knowledge to live in a diverse world. Learning a second language is a big part of that.


Interested in more?

Download my FREE Guide: “How to Teach Spanish Like a Pro (even if you don’t speak Spanish)”


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A bilingual teacher and mom of three. I help teachers and parents just like you, find high-quality, engaging and fun resources, so you can focus on the wonderful adventure of teaching Spanish to your children.

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