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Weather in Spanish Activities for the Spanish Classroom 

Teaching about the weather in Spanish is a topic that can be easily integrated in the Spanish Classroom since day one. It is a simple concept that students can relate to, easily understand, and explore.  

Learning about the weather in spanish helps children explore different concepts and new vocabulary words, improve speaking skills and learning about patterns. Once introduced, it can become part of your daily routine. 

The best way to introduce and teach about the weather in Spanish is through a variety of fun and engaging activities:

Weather in Spanish Songs

Songs are a great strategy to introduce and practice any concept. My favorite song is “Como está el clima?” because of the simple lyrics and catchy rhythm. In addition, I use a lot of songs that I find on the internet, and I can easily integrate as part of my daily routine. You just need to explore and look up the ones that keep your students engaged. 

The way I incorporate songs in my routine is by playing it several times. Because language acquisition happens through repeated exposure to the language used in different contexts multiple times, I’ve found that this is what works for me. The first time we listen to it as a whole group. The second time is played, I point to flashcards or posters about the different types of weather. The third time, I act it out and ask my students to imitate me. Then, I choose a student and ask him/her to act out how’s the weather, and have the rest of the students guess it. 


I love arts and crafts. I try to implement the use of it as much as I can. Crafts allow students to practice and reinforce any concept, while allowing them to develop fine-motor skills. Click here to explore several craft ideas to teach about the weather in Spanish.

Flashcards or pictures

Flashcards and pictures are a great resource to practice vocabulary concepts. The visual aids help children understand and connect to what they already know.

There are numerous ways to use flashcards in the classroom. Check out this post to learn all about how and when to use them. 

Weather in Spanish Games

The use of games is really important in the Spanish classroom. When students are engaged and having fun, they are more likely to remember new concepts and ideas. Here are my top games about the weather in Spanish:

Weather Spoons Game:

This game is designed to be played just like the card game Spoons. Instead of finding the numbers that match, students have to use the Weather Vocabulary Words in Spanish. This is a fun, entertaining, hands-on approach to learn and practice new Vocabulary Words.

Spanish Weather Spin the Wheel Board Game:


In this game, students take turns spinning the wheel and moving their marker to the corresponding space on the Board. Once in the space, they need to tell what the weather is like. If they’re unable to say it, they move back 2 spaces. The next player has the opportunity to answer. If he/she answers correctly, they move up 2 spaces. The first person to reach the end of the board wins the game.

Weather Memory Game/ Find the Match:

Students can use the cards to play the traditional Memory Game or to play Find the Match by going around the classroom to find another person with the same weather card.

Weather Puzzle

I use this activity both as an independent and/or Center Activity. Students need to order the puzzle pieces to find the hidden picture. 




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